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PCCI Hyperbaric Systems altitude physiology training hypobaric (altitude) chamber systems represent the latest state-of-the-art
technology that has evolved from many years of engineering experience that has been strongly focused

on the operational needs of facility users, safety requirements and economics. 


PCCI hypobaric chamber systems are engineered for maximum crew and staff safety. Our systems are tailor fit
to customer requirements for civilian and military pilot training and research applications. Customers are involved in all aspects of the design phase, from project inception to commissioning and training. Careful attention is given to the

issues of functional utility, facility appearance and ease of maintenance.










ATR (Altitude Training and Research) Series • Cylindrical and Rectangular Altitude Chambers/Training Centers

PCCI Hyperbaric Systems ATR series of cylindrical and rectangular altitude chambers are designed for pilot training in both civilian and military sectors. Typical training applications include:  recognition of the symptoms of anoxia, rapid decompression events, night vision maneuvers, operation of oxygen breathing systems, operation of aviation communications , and operation of pressure suits.





Application for Personal Breathing Apparatus Testing Systems

Personal Breathing

Personal Breathing

Distinguished Features of PCCI Hyperbaric Systems Altitude Chambers:

Three easy to use, modes of control are provided for maximum reliability: Automatic, Semi-Automatic and Manual.


Separate flight profile controls for each lock, mostly controlled by a touch screen based computer control.


Adequate system redudancy provided to operate system in the rare event of software malfunction and emergency. 


Noise attenuating mufflers are provided between the inbleed air control valves and the chamber as well as between  the vacuum control valves  and the chamber. Each vacuum pump is also fitted with exhaust mufflers for maximum noise control.


 Inbleed air to the chamber is provided with an inlet filter to keep out particulates.


Rapid Decompression (RD) in the Main Lock using vacuum tank (if installed).  Alternatively, RD in the Entry Lock can be carried  using the Main Lock as  an accumulator.


Flight profile and related data is displayed on a touch screen Graphical User Interface (GUI) at all times  Redundant  analog  controls are also provided.


A closed circuit TV monitoring  and recording system is provided in each lock. Simultaneous digital video recording  capabilies are provided for each camera.


On-Site and Acceptance Testing (OSAT) performed with customer prior to customer aquisition of the product.  


The Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) is conducted with the customer prior to shipment of chamber to customer site.

User Training  provided on-site.


Customer Support available at all times.


Standard One Year Warranty on labor and parts. Extended Warrenty available upon request. 

All of PCCI Hyperbaric Systems are designed and manufactured in the U.S.A.



​© 2015 PCCI, INC.

300 North Lee Street Suite 201 • Alexandria • Virginia  • 22314 • USA
USA Telephone 703-861-8535 (Direct or Whatsapp for Hyperbaric Sales)

703-229-1096 (Direct for Customer Service)

703-684-2060 (Main Office)

Email: Use Contact Us page to email your inquiries



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